Benny Soliven, a renowned YouTuber and social media influencer, has captured the hearts of millions with his entertaining prank videos and captivating content. Born on January 27, 1993, in Stockton, California, Benny’s journey from a young dreamer to a successful internet sensation is an inspiring tale worth exploring.
Benny Soliven Early Life and Education:
Growing up in Stockton, California, Benny had a passion for acting from a young age. Although he desired to pursue a career in acting, the opportunity didn’t present itself. He attended a local elementary school and later entered high school, where his path to YouTube stardom began to unfold.
Benny Soliven The YouTube Journey Begins:
In March 2015, Benny made his YouTube debut with a video titled “305 squat for a double.” Little did he know that this video would go viral and pave the way for his future success. His video “Life with Kyphosis,” posted on June 30, 2015, was the first to surpass 100k views, and from there, his popularity skyrocketed.