Meet Bob-Manuel Udokwu, a renowned Nigerian actor, filmmaker, and politician, who has left an indelible mark on the Nigerian entertainment industry. From humble beginnings to earning a Lifetime Achievement award at the prestigious African Movie Academy Awards, his journey is nothing short of inspiring. Join us as we delve into the life and accomplishments of this talented personality.
Bob-Manuel Early Life and Education:
Born on April 18, 1968, in Idemmili North, Anambra State, Bob-Manuel Udokwu is of Igbo ethnicity. He was raised in a loving family of six, where he held the position of the fourth child and second son. His parents, Ezelagbo Udokwu and Geoffrey Nwafor Udokwu, played an essential role in shaping his life.
Bob-Manuel’s educational journey began at St. Peters Primary School in Enugu State before attending Oraukwu Grammar School in Anambra State for his secondary education. Later, he pursued a bachelor’s degree in theater arts at the University of Port Harcourt, and subsequently, he obtained a master’s degree in political science with a focus on international relations from the University of Lagos.