Debby Felix, also known as Elawure Debrah Elogsora, is a talented Nigerian actress, filmmaker, writer, and businesswoman who has captured the hearts of many with her remarkable performances. Born on March 20, 1996, in Usen, Edo State, Nigeria, she hails from a royal family, which adds to her captivating aura. Let’s delve into the life and career of this rising star as we explore her journey to fame and her contributions to the Nigerian film industry.
Debby Felix Early Life and Education:
Debby Felix had a modest upbringing in her hometown and completed her elementary education there. Later, she attended Baptist High School in Benin City, where she obtained her secondary school certificate. Her thirst for knowledge and passion for storytelling led her to pursue a degree in Mass Communication at Caleb University in Lagos, graduating in 2016. To hone her acting skills further, she enrolled at the prestigious Royal Arts Academy, where she learned the intricacies of movie acting and production.
Debby Felix Rise to Stardom:
Debby’s acting journey began during her high school days, and she transitioned into professional acting shortly after. Her breakthrough came when she starred in the movie “Another Time,” produced by Uduak Isong for Closer Pictures. The film’s success catapulted her to fame, and she earned widespread recognition for her lead role. Since then, she has become a prominent figure in the Nigerian film industry.