Gregory John Gutfeld, better known as Greg Gutfeld, is a prominent American figure known for his diverse talents as a comedian, television host, libertarian political commentator, and author. Born on September 12, 1964, in San Mateo, California, Greg had a Catholic upbringing and attended Junpero Serra High School, an all-boys Roman Catholic school. He later pursued a bachelor’s degree in English at the University of California, Berkeley, graduating in 1987.
Greg Gutfeld Early Career:
After college, Gutfeld began his career as R. Emmett Tyrrell’s assistant at The American Spectator. He then worked as an editor for various Rodale Press journals and served as a staff writer for Prevention magazine. His career advanced when he joined Men’s Health as a staff writer, eventually becoming the editor-in-chief in 1999. He later held the position of chief editor at Stuff, significantly increasing its circulation during his tenure.
Greg Gutfeld Controversial Prank and Media Involvement:
In 2003, Gutfeld orchestrated a controversial prank involving dwarfs attending a Magazine Publishers of America meeting to create buzz. The publicity generated by the stunt led to his dismissal from Dennis Publishing, where he later became the head of “brain development.” He served as the British editor of Maxim magazine from 2004 to 2006. Additionally, Gutfeld was one of the initial contributors to The Huffington Post, using his platform to target figures like Deepak Chopra, Cenk Uygur, and Arianna Huffington in his commentary.