Hilda Dokubo, a renowned Nigerian actress, activist, and youth advocate, has made a significant impact on both the entertainment industry and society. Born on October 22, 1969, in Buguma, Asari-Toru, Rivers State, she rose to fame with her debut film, “Evil Passion.” Beyond her successful acting career, Hilda is actively involved in advocacy work, particularly in empowering young people and women through the arts. In this blog post, we’ll delve into Hilda Dokubo’s early life, education, illustrious career, personal life, and her influential role as an activist.
Hilda Dokubo Early Life and Education:
Hilda Dokubo was born into a family of six children in Buguma, Rivers State. She had a supportive upbringing, with her mother working as a teacher and her father as an engineer. Hilda attended St. Mary State School Aggrey Road for her primary education and later pursued her secondary education at Government Girls Secondary School. Her parents encouraged both her education and passion for the arts.
She furthered her studies at the University of Port Harcourt, where she earned both a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Arts in Theatre, preparing her for the exciting journey ahead.