IPPIS Loan for Federal Workers 2023: Code, Eligibility & Application

For federal government workers and civil servants in Nigeria, the IPPIS loan scheme offers a valuable financial lifeline during periods of delayed salaries. This guide will walk you through the essentials of the IPPIS loan program, including eligibility criteria, application process, benefits, drawbacks, and repayment plans.

What is IPPIS and its Loan Scheme?

The Integrated Personnel and Payroll Information System (IPPIS) was established in Nigeria in 2007 to enhance the management of employee salary payments. Over time, IPPIS has expanded its services to include a low-interest loan program designed to assist federal workers.

Eligibility for IPPIS Loan:

To access an IPPIS loan, federal workers must meet certain criteria. These include enrollment in the IPPIS scheme, a stable income source, a functional salary account, a clean loan repayment record, and compliance with age limits.

Required Documents for Application:

Federal workers interested in IPPIS loans need to gather specific documents, including their IPPIS number, salary payslip, bank statement, Bank Verification Number (BVN), valid National ID card, employment confirmation, and a work ID card.

Applying for an IPPIS Loan:

The application process for an IPPIS loan is straightforward:

  1. Check Eligibility: Verify your eligibility on remita.saha.ng (for Remita salary recipients).
  2. Obtain the IPPIS Enrolment Form: Download the form from the IPPIS website or get it from your department’s head office.
  3. Fill Out the Form: Provide accurate details and attach required documents.
  4. Submit the Form: Submit the completed application form and documents. Await loan approval.

Approval and Disbursement:

IPPIS loan approval typically takes a few days, considering factors like creditworthiness, requested amount, and repayment history. Once approved, the loan amount is disbursed to your salary account within 72 hours.

Repayment Plans:

IPPIS loan repayment occurs through monthly deductions from your salary. The repayment period ranges from 6 to 12 months, depending on the loan amount and your agreement with the lender.

Benefits of IPPIS Loan:

IPPIS loans offer several advantages to federal workers:

  1. Low-Interest Rates: IPPIS loans provide lower interest rates compared to other available options.
  2. Easy Application: The online application process is user-friendly and convenient.
  3. Fast Disbursement: Funds are quickly disbursed after approval, making it suitable for emergencies.
  4. Flexible Repayment: IPPIS loans offer adaptable repayment plans.

Drawbacks of IPPIS Loan:

Despite its benefits, the IPPIS loan program has some drawbacks:

  1. Strict Eligibility: Stringent eligibility criteria may limit access for some workers.
  2. Interest Rates: While lower than commercial banks, IPPIS loan rates can still be higher than other sources.
  3. Loan Limit: Some workers might find the loan amount insufficient for their needs.


The IPPIS loan program presents a valuable opportunity for Nigerian federal workers to secure low-interest loans. Prospective borrowers should carefully assess their eligibility and terms before applying, comparing the IPPIS loan option with others to make an informed decision. While the program has its advantages and disadvantages, it can effectively aid federal workers in managing their financial needs.