Kim Carton Biography: Age, Husband, Boyfriend, Net Worth, Children, Wedding, Pictures, Wikipedia, Height, Instagram

Kim Carton, a well-known American celebrity and former spouse of the renowned sports host Craig Carton, has carved her own path in the world of entrepreneurship. Born in 1975 in Huntington Valley, Pennsylvania, she is of Caucasian ethnicity and values her privacy, refraining from social media presence. At the age of 47 in 2022, Kim Carton has led an intriguing life that we’ll delve into.

Kim Carton Early Life and Background

Growing up in Huntington Valley, Kim Carton’s roots are firmly planted in her hometown. However, personal details about her family, parents, and siblings remain largely undisclosed. Her marriage to Craig Carton, the host of the popular sports radio show “Boomer and Carton Sports Radio” on WFAN (AM) in New York City, brought her into the public eye.

Craig Carton participated in the HBO documentary “Wild Card: The Downfall of a Radio Loudmouth,” which delved into the personal lives of the participants, including details about spouses and children. However, Kim Carton chose a different path and expressed her and her children’s non-participation, emphasizing her desire for privacy.

Kim Carton Career and Entrepreneurship

Kim Carton made a mark for herself in the business world by establishing “The Valley” store in 2013. The inspiration behind the store’s name is her beloved hometown, Huntington Valley. Kim and her associate, Jackie Brookstein, embarked on this venture following the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy in 2012. Their collaboration led to the creation of a boutique called “Valley” within the New York Tribe.

By 2013, “The Valley” boutique was up and running, specializing in casual everyday attire. The store quickly gained popularity, attracting not only fashion enthusiasts but also visitors looking for a shopping and dining experience. The presence of thriving restaurants complemented the shopping experience, making it a one-stop destination for both shopping and refreshments.

Kim CartonPersonal Life and Family

Kim Carton’s personal life took a significant turn when she married Craig Carton, with whom she shares three sons: Lucky Carton, Anthony Carton, and Sonny Carton. The exact date of their wedding remains undisclosed. Unfortunately, their marriage faced challenges, and following Craig’s incarceration, Kim pursued a divorce, resulting in their separation in 2019.

In addition to their three sons, Kim and Craig Carton have a daughter named Mickey Carton, further enriching their family life. Despite the trials they faced, Kim Carton’s journey is a testament to her resilience and determination to create her own identity beyond her association with her famous ex-spouse.


Kim Carton’s story is one of privacy, entrepreneurship, and strength. From her humble beginnings in Huntington Valley, she ventured into the business world with the establishment of “The Valley” store, honoring her hometown while making her mark as a successful entrepreneur. Her dedication to privacy and her ability to overcome challenges make her an inspiring figure in her own right.