Elizabeth Benson, professionally known as Liz Benson, is a renowned Nigerian actress, television personality, and philanthropist. Born on April 5, 1966, in Etinan, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria, she rose to prominence in 1993 with her role in the popular television soap opera, Fortunes. This blog post explores Liz Benson’s early life, education, career, personal life, and philanthropic activities.
Liz Benson Early Life and Education:
Liz Benson was born in the Etinan local government area of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. She showed a passion for drama from an early age, participating in stage plays since she was five years old. Liz pursued her education in dramatic arts at Sylvania State College in the United States.
Liz Benson Career:
In 1993, Liz Benson gained significant attention for her role as Mrs. Agnes Johnson in the television soap opera, Fortunes, which aired on NTA Network for nearly two years. Her exceptional performance in the film Glamour Girls (1994), tackling the issue of prostitution, further solidified her position as a talented actress.