Martial Arts: Definition, Types, Importance & Requirements

Martial arts often conjure images of flashy kicks, high-flying acrobatics, and epic battles from action-packed movies. However, beneath the surface, martial arts are far more than mere entertainment or stylized combat. In countries like Nigeria, misconceptions about martial arts are widespread, but understanding their true essence is essential. This article delves into the core of martial arts, exploring their definition, types, and significance beyond the silver screen.

Defining Martial Arts

Martial arts encompass a comprehensive training of both the mind and body, culminating in the application of these skills in combat or warfare. They are intricate systems and traditions of combat developed for a range of purposes: self-defense, military and law enforcement tactics, competitive sports, physical and mental development, cultural heritage preservation, and more.

Varieties of Martial Arts

While martial arts have deep historical roots across the globe, modern times have given rise to four main categories:

  1. Japanese Martial Arts: This category includes Jiu-jitsu, Aikido, Judo, and Kendo. Jiu-Jitsu, an ancient art known as “the art of pliancy,” remains relevant today. Aikido, developed in Japan, focuses on throws and joint-locking techniques while emphasizing mental and spiritual aspects. Judo, an Olympic sport, revolves around throwing opponents to the ground and immobilizing them. Kendo, the “way of the sword,” centers on sparring with bamboo swords.
  2. Chinese Martial Arts: Despite the popular term “Kung Fu” referring to Chinese martial arts collectively, notable styles include Karate and Tai Chi. Karate, meaning “empty hands,” combines Chinese and Japanese elements in striking techniques. Tai Chi, often dubbed “moving meditation,” is both a martial art and a health-promoting practice.
  3. Korean Martial Arts: Taekwondo and Hapkido represent Korean martial arts. Taekwondo, widely practiced and an Olympic sport, emphasizes powerful kicks. Hapkido, blending circular movements and non-resistance philosophy, incorporates both “soft” and “hard” techniques.
  4. Brazilian Martial Arts: This category features Brazilian jiu-jitsu and Vale Tudo. Brazilian jiu-jitsu, stemming from Judo’s ground fighting principles, emphasizes grappling and ground combat. Vale Tudo, a full-contact combat sport, influenced the development of modern MMA (Mixed Martial Arts).

The Essence and Importance of Martial Arts

Martial arts offer a plethora of benefits beyond physical prowess, such as:

  1. Enhancing physical fitness and well-being.
  2. Easing stress and promoting mental clarity.
  3. Fostering self-discipline and control.
  4. Equipping individuals with self-defense skills.
  5. Boosting self-esteem and confidence.
  6. Facilitating weight loss and improving body composition.
  7. Cultivating sportsmanship and teamwork.
  8. Building relationships with fellow practitioners.
  9. Enhancing creativity and mental health.

Requirements for Martial Arts Training

Enrolling in martial arts training involves considering factors such as age and health. Various age groups, from kids (3-9) to adults (17+), can engage in training. However, individuals with severe health conditions may need to consult with schools before enrolling.


Martial arts transcend their portrayal in movies, encompassing a rich tapestry of combat techniques, physical fitness, mental fortitude, and cultural heritage. In Nigeria and beyond, understanding the multifaceted nature of martial arts is crucial. Beyond the spectacular kicks and punches, martial arts offer a path to holistic well-being, personal growth, and a deeper connection to centuries-old traditions. So, let’s embrace the true essence of martial arts and appreciate their profound impact on our lives.