Newgate University Minna School Fees | NUM School fees

Newgate university minna school fees: Newgate university is a private university located in the capital city of Niger state, Minna.

Newgate university is accredited by NUC in 2022. Newgate university offered 13 undergraduate courses.

On this website, I will discuss the Newgate university school fees for each undergraduate course.

Newgate university minna school fees for All Departments

Departments School fess
Accounting N250,000
Banking and Finance N225,000
Business Administration N225,000
Human Resource Management N225,000
International Relations and Diplomatic Studies N225,000
Mass Communication and Journalism N225,000
Environmental Health Science N225,000
Nursing Science N350,000
Science in Public Health N275,000
Medical Laboratory Science N325,000

Note: School fees are paid per semester

About Tuition and Fee Payment

1. Tuition and fees are established by the University
Council and are set before the start of each academic
a year and vary from program to program.

2. The University charge three (3) types of fees; admission application fee, tuition, accommodation fees, and functional or administrative fees.

3. The student must pay the tuition and other related fees in full before the first day of classes each semester.

Any exceptions to this rule must be approved by the
University Management.

4. Tuition and fees not paid or deferred by the payment
deadline for each semester will result in a late fee penalty or may result in the cancellation of all classes.

5. Students who fail to pay the stipulated tuition fee by
the prescribed date will be put on academic

6. All tuition and fees MUST be paid in a designated bank account.

7. Students should liaise with their parents and sponsors to ensure funds for other purposes e.g. pocket money, meals; etc are not deposited in University Bank
Accounts. Students’ bank accounts should be
used at all times for pocket money, rentals, and other
financial obligations.

Procedure to Follow after Payment

After successful payment of your tuition, accommodation, application, or other related fees you are required;

1. log in to the application or your student portal to enter the reference number (type the receipt number or bank deposit slip number or transfer ID), or

2. Present a copy of the deposit (teller) or TT or EFT or
POS payment slip to the Office of Finance (in person or
via e-mail: as
proof of payment

3. Validation of payment is done within 1-to-2 banking
days after making the payment.

4. You will receive an e-mail to proceed with your
application for admission or registration for courses
after the payment has been confirmed.