Obafemi Bandele Lasode, a renowned Nigerian film director, musician, producer, and playwright, has left an indelible mark on the entertainment industry. Born on December 4, 1955, in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, he proudly hails from the southwest Nigerian state of Ogun, specifically from Abeokuta. While little is known about his personal life, his professional journey is a testament to his exceptional talent and creative brilliance.
Obafemi Lasode Early Life and Education:
Growing up in Port Harcourt, Obafemi Lasode attended St. Gregory’s College in Obalende, Lagos State, where he earned his West African Senior School Certificate. Eager to pursue higher education, he ventured to the United States and enrolled at the Kogod School of Business in Washington, D.C., where he obtained a Bachelor of Science in business administration. Undeterred by challenges, he continued his academic journey at Brooklyn College, City University of New York, and earned a Master of Science in Communication art.
Obafemi Lasode Career Highlights:
Obafemi Lasode’s career began to flourish when he joined Inner City Broadcasting Corporation in New York City in 1983 as a Promotions Coordinator. A year later, he hosted the celebrated musician Sonny Okosuns at the Apollo Theater in Harlem. In 1989, he created the program “Afrika in Vogue” on Radio Nigeria 2, dedicated to showcasing African music. A defining moment in his career came in 1995 when he founded Afrika ‘n Vogue/Even-Ezra Studios.