Ondo State Civil Service Commission Recruitment 2023/2024 | Application Form Portal

The Ondo State Civil Service Commission is currently inviting applications for its 2023/2024 recruitment exercise. This article provides essential information about the recruitment process, qualifications, requirements, and application procedure. If you are a recent graduate or have been seeking employment, this could be your chance. Let’s delve into the details.

Important Note:

Please be aware that TopNigerianJobs does not influence the Ondo State Civil Service Commission recruitment process. Our role is to equip you with the necessary information for a successful application. We have outlined the steps, prerequisites, and guidelines you need to follow.

Requirements for Ondo State Civil Service Commission Recruitment 2023/2024:

To apply, you must meet these criteria:

  1. Valid Means of Identification: Possess a valid driver’s license, National Identification Card, International passport, or Voter’s card.
  2. Good Behavior: Exhibit good behavior and composure.
  3. Adaptability: Be open to working in a new environment.
  4. Physical and Mental Fitness: Be in good physical and mental health.
  5. Team Spirit and Analytical Skills: Demonstrate strong teamwork and analytical abilities.
  6. Willingness to Experiment: Show a willingness to try new approaches.
  7. Clean Record: Have no history of criminal activities.
  8. Computer Literacy: Basic computer skills are an advantage.
  9. Age Limit: Applicants should not be over 35 years old.
  10. Communication Skills: Possess good communication and interpersonal skills.
  11. Educational Qualification: Hold a B.Sc, HND, NCE, OND certificate from a recognized institution.
  12. Academic Performance: Have at least Five Credits in English and other relevant subjects in WASSCE, NECO, or GCE.

Available Vacant Positions:

The Ondo State Civil Service Commission is seeking candidates for various positions, including Electrical Engineer, Architect, Education Officer, Mechanical Engineer, Geologist, and more.

Important Guidelines: Here are some crucial points to remember:

  1. Apply on Time: Don’t wait until the deadline; submit your application promptly.
  2. One Application: You can apply only once, so ensure accuracy.
  3. Be Truthful: Your submitted information must be accurate; false documents lead to disqualification.
  4. Double-Check: Review your details before submitting to avoid errors.
  5. No Payments: Avoid individuals promising assistance in exchange for payment.
  6. Free Application: The Ondo State Government application form is free.
  7. Screening and Examination: Shortlisted candidates will undergo screening and examination.

How to Apply: To apply for a position, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official website: www.ondostate.gov.ng.
  2. Choose a Position: Select a position that matches your qualifications and interests.
  3. Review Requirements: Carefully read the job requirements.
  4. Apply Now: Click on the “Apply Now” button.
  5. Provide Information: Fill in all necessary details.
  6. Submit: After completing the form, submit your application.
  7. Confirmation: Print the confirmation slip for your records.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  1. Is Ondo State Civil Service Commission recruiting for 2023/2024? Yes, the commission is currently recruiting. Interested candidates should visit the official recruitment portal to choose a suitable position.
  2. How can I apply for the Ondo State Civil Service Commission Recruitment? Visit www.ondostate.gov.ng and explore the available vacancies. Once selected, significant opportunities await you.
  3. When is the Ondo State Civil Service Commission recruitment 2023/2024 closing date? The closing date has not been announced. Stay updated by regularly visiting our website for the latest information.


The Ondo State Civil Service Commission recruitment presents a chance for qualified candidates to secure promising career opportunities. Remember to follow the guidelines carefully, submit accurate information, and stay informed about updates. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment, and we’ll assist you. Don’t miss out on this potential life-changing opportunity.