Ralph Cirella is a renowned American actor and on-set designer known for his close friendship with Howard Stern, the famous radio and television personality, comedian, and author. Born on April 20, 1965, in New Jersey, United States, Ralph’s passion for acting began at a young age. Despite growing up in New Jersey, not much is publicly known about his parents or their occupations.
Ralph Cirella Career Journey:
Ralph Cirella’s career started as a radio broadcaster before transitioning to become a skilled costume designer. He later ventured into acting, showcasing his talent and creativity. During his career, Ralph worked on the E! show, contributing to various ensembles, embellishments, and makeup designs. He collaborated with John Hein and Gary Dell’Abate on the Howard Stern Show with WWOR TV, which marked a significant milestone in his career.
Ralph’s association with Howard Stern’s radio show, “The Friday Show,” brought glamour and entertainment to the industry. He went on to work on the Howard 100 and Howard 101 shows, solidifying his reputation as a talented radio personality. More recently, Ralph has focused on his work as a set designer for Howard Stern’s shows, participating in some of the most memorable events in radio and television history.