Kimiko Flynn, born on December 13, is an adorable seven-year-old American internet personality and celebrity kid. She rose to prominence even before her birth due to her famous father, Rome Flynn, who is an accomplished actor, model, and musician. Let’s take a closer look at Kimiko’s early life, her father’s successful career, and her current net worth.
Kimiko Early Life and Family:
Kimiko Flynn was born on December 13, 2014, in the United States. She is of American nationality and comes from a diverse heritage. Her father, Rome Flynn, has Irish and African-Cuban ancestry, while her mother, Molly Noriko Hurley, has Japanese roots. Kimiko shares a close bond with her parents, and she is currently attending primary school under their loving care.
Rome Flynn’s Career:
Rome Flynn is a multi-talented individual who has made significant contributions to the entertainment industry. He made his debut in the musical “The Haves and the Have Nots” and subsequently secured prominent roles in movies like “Drumline: A New Beat” and the short film “Two A Days.” One of his notable achievements was portraying Zende Forrester Dominguez in the CBS daytime soap “The Bold and the Beautiful,” for which he received a Daytime Emmy Award. Additionally, he appeared in the ABC show “How to Get Away with Murder,” where he portrayed a law student.