Milica Krstić, a popular Serbian internet personality and celebrity wife, rose to fame following her marriage to the renowned basketball player, Boban Marjanović, who plays for the Dallas Mavericks. Despite her relatively short stature of 5 feet 5 inches, her connection with the 7 feet 4 inches tall Boban has captivated the public’s attention. This blog post delves into Milica’s early life, career, and personal life, highlighting her rise to prominence and her estimated net worth of $5 million.
Boban Marjanović Early Life and Education:
Born on December 29, 1991, in Serbia, Milica Krstić spent her formative years there with her parents. She completed her elementary and high school education in Serbia before pursuing higher education.
Career and Meeting Boban Marjanović:
Milica Krstić became a household name primarily due to her marriage to Boban Marjanović. Their paths first crossed at a Serbian birthday celebration, and their love story blossomed over six years. The couple exchanged vows twice: first, in a traditional beach ceremony in Mexico on July 3, 2014, and then again in Belgrade on July 13, 2014. Their wedding attracted considerable attention, partly because of the stark difference in their heights.