NECO Economics Past Questions And Answers

The National Examinations Council (NECO) plays a crucial role in Nigeria’s education system, administering various exams, including the Economics exam. To succeed in this exam, it’s essential to study past questions, as they provide insights into the exam format and question types. In this article, we’ll explore the significance of studying past questions, how to access them, and effective strategies for using them to prepare.

Why Study Past Questions?

Studying past questions for the NECO Economics exam offers several benefits:

  1. Familiarity with Exam Format: Past questions help you understand the number of questions, their types, and difficulty levels.
  2. Targeted Study: By reviewing past questions, you can identify recurring topics and focus on areas that need more attention.
  3. Time Management Practice: The NECO Economics exam is timed. Practicing past questions under time constraints enhances your time management skills.

How to Find and Use Past Questions:

You can obtain NECO Economics past questions through these methods:

  1. Purchase: Buy past question booklets from bookstores or online retailers.
  2. Online Resources: Access free or paid past questions on various websites.

Effective ways to use past questions:

  1. Review and Answer: Read through past questions to get a feel for the exam’s style and answer the questions.
  2. Simulated Test: Set a timer and answer past questions within the exam’s time limit for practice.

Tips for Answering Past Questions:

Follow these tips to optimize your preparation:

  1. Understand Instructions: Carefully read instructions before attempting questions.
  2. Comprehend Questions: Ensure you grasp the question’s meaning before answering.
  3. Seek Similar Questions: If unsure, look for similar questions in the past questions material.
  4. Comfortable Order: Answer questions in your preferred sequence.
  5. Time Management: Don’t dwell too long on one question. Skip and return if necessary.
  6. Review: Double-check your answers before submitting.

Sample Objective Questions from NECO Economics Past Papers:

Here are some sample objective questions from past papers:

  1. Who defined Economics as an inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations? A. Adam Smith B. Alfred Marshall C. Irving Fisher D. John Keynes E. Lionel Robbins
  2. The economic concept emphasizing prioritization of human wants is: A. choice B. need C. opportunity cost D. scale of preference E. scarcity
  3. Given the cocoa production in Idanre over five years, determine the total cocoa produced from 2001 to 2004.


Studying NECO Economics past questions is a valuable strategy for exam success. It familiarizes you with the exam format, highlights crucial topics, and enhances time management skills. Utilize the available resources, such as past question booklets and online platforms, to access and practice these questions effectively. By following the outlined tips and strategies, you can confidently approach the NECO Economics exam and improve your chances of achieving a favorable outcome