Saba Qamar Zaman, professionally known as Saba Qamar, is a renowned Pakistani actress who has left an indelible mark on the Urdu film and television industry. Born on April 5, 1984, in Gujranwala, Pakistan, she hails from a middle-class Sindhi family that had no previous connections to the entertainment world. Despite this, Saba’s unwavering passion for the media industry led her to become one of Pakistan’s most beloved and highest-paid actresses. Throughout her illustrious career, she has received numerous accolades, including Lux Style Awards, Hum Awards, and prestigious national honors like Tamgha-e-Imtiaz and Pride of Performance.
Saba Qamar Early Life and Education:
Saba Qamar’s journey began in Hyderabad, Pakistan, where she was born into a modest family. With no one in her family involved in the entertainment industry, Saba stood out as the first member to pursue a career in acting. After her father’s unfortunate demise when she was just three years old, Saba was raised by her grandmother, mother, and five siblings. The family later moved to Gujranwala, where Saba received her primary and secondary education before relocating to Lahore for further studies. Her family now resides in Karachi.
Saba Qamar Career:
Saba Qamar’s professional career started as a supporting character in the television series ‘Main Aurat Hoon.’ However, it was her leading role in the political drama “Jinnah Kay Naam” in 2010 that truly showcased her acting prowess and earned her the admiration of the audience. She later hosted the popular Geo TV show “Hum Sab Umeed Say Hain.” Saba’s talent also extended to the silver screen, and she made her film debut in “Aina,” directed by Sarmad Khoosat, and went on to star in notable films like “Manto” and her Bollywood debut “Hindi Medium.”