In the heart of California, a man named Scott Peterson became notorious for a crime that shocked the nation. Born on October 24, 1972, in San Diego, he initially dreamed of becoming a professional golfer. However, fate took him on a different path, leading to a career as a successful salesman. This blog post delves into the life of Scott Peterson, his rise as a salesman, and the tragic events that forever changed his destiny.
Scott Peterson Early Life and Education:
Scott Lee Peterson was born to Lee Arthur Peterson and Jacqueline Helen Latham at Sharp Coronado Hospital in San Diego. He had a half-brother named John, and the family lived together in California. Growing up, Scott developed a passion for golf, inspired by his father and golfing legend Phil Mickelson. He attended University of San Diego High School, where his interest in golf flourished.
Scott Peterson Career Shift:
Though Scott aspired to become a professional golfer, his dreams didn’t materialize. He decided to venture into sales to secure his future. He found success as a salesman, earning a respectable income. However, tragedy struck when his pregnant wife’s disappearance was reported to the police, leading to a turn of events that shattered his life.