Maleek Shoyebi, better known as Maleek Berry, is a renowned British-Nigerian singer and record producer who has captivated audiences with his exceptional musical talent. Born on August 11, 1987, in London to Nigerian parents, Maleek Berry’s journey to fame was marked by his passion for music and dedication to sound production. In this blog post, we will delve into the early life, career achievements, and net worth of this gifted artist.
Maleek Berry Early Life and Education:
Maleek Berry was born in London, England, to Mr. and Mrs. Shoyebi, who were Muslim immigrants from southwest Nigeria. Growing up in the UK, he was exposed to a rich musical culture encompassing American, British, and African music. Fascinated by the art of music, he eventually decided to pursue a career in sound production.
Maleek Berry Career Breakthrough:
Maleek Berry’s breakthrough came when he returned to Nigeria and met artists associated with the E.M.E (Empire Music Entertainment) label, including Banky W. His meteoric rise to fame began after he created the beat for Wizkid’s hit song, “Azonto,” which catapulted him into the limelight. This achievement earned him a nomination for “Music Producer of the Year” at the prestigious 2014 Nigeria Entertainment Awards.