Natforce Rank and salary structure ( Updated)

Natforce Ranks and salary structure: Do you want to know the current salary of the Nation task force structure, if yes keep reading,

For Nigerians who wish to Partake in the National task force Natforce Recruitment. We wish to know the salary structure.

Natforce salary, Natforce ranks, Natforce salary structure

The national task force salary is attractive just like the Nigeria police salary and Nigeria Navy salary. The salary of New Recruit into the National task force depends on entry level.

The National task force NATForce is expected to earn up to 3 million Naira Annual depending on Rank. Though the salary is disclosed officially.

NatForce Salary structure and Ranks

Level Ranks Salary
Level 3-5 Assistant Cadre
Level 6 Assistant Inspectorate Cadre
Level 7 Inspectorate Cadre
Level 8 Assistant Superintendent Cadre II
Level 9 Assistant Superintendent Cadre I
Level 10 Deputy Superintendent Cadre II
Level 11 Superintendent Cadre II
Level 12 Chief Superintendent Cadre II
Level 13 Assistant Commander
Level 14 Deputy Commander
Level 15 Chief Commander
Level 16 Assistant Commandant General


The National task force Natforce was established in 2017 and its salary structure is very attractive. If you want to join Natforce you have to wait for the recruitment portal to be open.