WAEC Biology Practical Questions And Answers

The WAEC Biology practical exam is an essential part of your biology assessment, providing you with hands-on experience and testing your ability to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. This guide will walk you through effective preparation strategies and offer insights into the 2023 WAEC Biology practical specimen.

  1. Preparation Strategies:

    • Study Theory: A solid understanding of relevant biological concepts is crucial. Review your biology textbook, class notes, and online resources to reinforce your theoretical knowledge.
    • Practice Experiments: Familiarize yourself with experimental procedures and techniques. Perform mock experiments at home to build confidence in conducting practical tasks.
    • Use Resources: Utilize textbooks, online resources, and practice exams to enhance your understanding of the practical aspect of biology.
    • Time Management: Practice managing your time effectively during experiments. Develop a clear plan for each experiment to ensure you complete all tasks within the allotted time.
  2. 2023 WAEC Biology Practical Specimens:

    • Specimen A: Mature fresh eggs of catfish
    • Specimen B: Fresh egg of domestic fowl (raw, with shell intact)
    • Specimen C: Picture/model/chart of uterus containing a fetus
    • Specimen D: Longitudinal section of an ovary of pride of Barbados flower
    • Specimen E: Leaf of pride of Barbados flower
    • Specimen F: Panicum plant/Guinea grass (whole plant)
    • Specimen G: Cocoyam plant/Caladium plant (whole plant)
    • Specimen H: Corm of cocoyam
    • Specimen J: Dry humus in a beaker
    • Specimen K: Moist humus in a beaker
    • Specimen L: Ripe orange fruit (whole)
    • Specimen M: Longitudinal section of coconut fruit
    • Specimen N: Longitudinal section of fresh chili pepper fruit
  3. Detailed Analysis of Selected Specimens:

    • Specimen L (Ripe Orange):
      • Botanical name: Citrus sinensis
      • Classification: Fleshy fruit
      • Structure: Epicarp, Mesocarp, Endocarp
      • Importance: Nutritional value, disease prevention, food, beverages, employment
      • Dispersal: Human activities, animals, water, wind
      • Source of Food: Vitamin C
      • Characteristics: Pleasant aroma, skin color variations, juicy flesh
    • Specimen M (Coconut Fruit):
      • Botanical name: Cocos nucifera
      • Classification: Fibrous drupe
      • Structure: Exocarp, Mesocarp, Endocarp
      • Importance: Food, agriculture, industry, trade, environmental benefits
      • Dispersal: Man, animals, wind
      • Source of Food: Vitamin B, Vitamin C
      • Characteristics: Hard outer shell, meaty flesh, distinct layers
    • Specimen N (Fresh Chili Pepper):
      • Botanical name: Capsicum annuum
      • Classification: Berry fruit
      • Structure: Pericarp, Placenta, Seeds
      • Importance: Nutritive value, culinary use, ornamental plant
      • Dispersal: Birds, mammals, bats
      • Characteristics: Pungent taste, varied colors and shapes
  4. Tips for Exam Success:

    • Read Carefully: Carefully read and understand experiment instructions before starting.
    • Organize: Arrange equipment and materials before beginning the experiment.
    • Safety First: Follow safety precautions and wear appropriate protective gear.
    • Precision: Perform experiments with precision and accuracy, noting observations.
    • Presentation: Clearly label diagrams and graphs with titles and units.
    • Review: Review your work for completeness and accuracy before submission.
  5. Pass Mark for WAEC Biology Practical Exam:

    • The pass mark for the WAEC Biology practical exam is 50%.


Success in the WAEC Biology practical exam requires a combination of theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and effective time management. By understanding the key concepts, practicing experiments, and utilizing available resources, you can confidently approach the exam and secure a strong performance. Remember to review your work, follow safety guidelines, and showcase your understanding through clear diagrams and accurate observations. With thorough preparation, you can excel in the WAEC Biology practical exam and demonstrate your practical biology expertise.